2021年3月4日 星期四

慣性的迷失(lost in inertial)


    After having driven from place A to place B daily for years, most people are gradually used to going to and fro along one or two routes. Occasionally, we may forget to make a turn at the right intersection when we want to buy something at the middle way, place C. I call this mistake to be “lost in inertial” that happens in daily life from time to time for many people. Most of them are harmless. However, when it happens in engineering cases and/or business cases, it will result in damages to some extent. The loss may be only a few of manpower and material resources, may be a huge damage to the enterprise.


I received a case of yield issue when I worked at microanalysis laboratory in MRL, ITRI more than twenty years ago. Semiconductor devices made by two sets of epi Si wafers had big different yield under same processes. Set A had yield less than 50%, while set B had yield more than 95%. My mission was to characterize what kind of defect(s) in the epi layer. I used TEM to analyze the cross-section structure of these samples. A TEM specimen of A was made at the first working day, and several nano voids were observed at the interface of epi layer and Si substrate. A TEM specimen of B was made at the second day, but nothing except Si substrate was observed. With the assumption of grinding and polishing wrong place, a second TEM specimen of B was made at the third day. Unfortunately, there was still only one single crystal observed in TEM. The interface of epi Si layer and the Si substrate as observed in sample A was not found.


    The third TEM specimen of sample B was prepared and checked in the TEM at the fourth day, one day before the deadline. It was around 11:00pm, and there was still no solid data of sample B to deliver. Walked out TEM laboratory to take a rest and thought what was wrong with the TEM sample preparation of sample B as well as how to ask the customer to delay one or two days. During meditation, something came to my mind – nothing is correct. The interface of homogeneous epitaxial layer and the substrate is invisible when the epitaxial layer is well grown. I had been trapped in the inertial of previous knowledge from analyzing heterogenous epitaxial layers and sample A for all these days.

