2020年2月20日 星期四


People may not know what materials analysis is, but should be familiar with pathological analysis. The principle and process of materials analysis and pathological analysis are quite similar. The difference is that the former deals with samples from matters, while the latter does biological tissue, especially from human bodies. Both of them use microscopes and analyzers to explore samples to find some features which may be connected to the issue under study. 

Doctors refer to results of pathological analysis to cure patients, researchers and engineers use results of materials analysis to tune the process to improve the properties of materials or yield. Pathologists have to face the risk of virus in work, MA engineers have to deal with acid-base solvent, some of them are toxic. So, nature of their works are similar too.

1 則留言:

  1. 鮑 老師您好,週六(2020/12/19)交大在職專班 聽了您"IC材料分析"的演講,獲益良多。我在華邦電子外包工程,客訴IC有異物經常靠EDX分析元素,但能量對元素或重量%的影響很大;若是表面似乎採用歐傑比較適合。在走廊逛到實驗室有拉曼光譜,之前也聽工研院提到,它是否適合表面缺陷檢測? 最近在ITRI AOIEA看到Tera Hertz太赫茲波,可用於內部材料分析、缺陷檢測;找到TeraView代理商筑波科技,目前影像解析度只有約100um。 傅廷明 mailto:tmfu0@winbond.com
