2020年2月23日 星期日


People might not be familiar with the terminology, MA, before 1980. Before 1980, most of microstructure analyses focused on metal materials. So, work on microstructure analysis was called metallography. Students of department of mechanic engineering and department of metallurgy in colleges all took metallography courses. Everyone cut a small piece of metal, ground and polished it, then put it under a optical microscope after properly etching it. The typical image observed is like that shown in Figure 1. Researchers established relationship of strength and grain size for many metals. Studies of effect of precipitates, twins, and stacking faults …etc. on metals were popular conducted in metallurgy.

2. 典型光學金相照片顯示多晶材料的晶粒大小。(感謝環球檢驗科技許傳宗先生提供)

隨著電子顯微鏡的進入材料分析領域,當高能電子進入試片,和試片組成元素的原子交互作用後,產生的訊號除可形成高倍率影像外,部分訊號也提供元素種類,甚至化學鍵結的訊息。顯微結構分析不再只限於影像,微區成份訊息也可也可分析。穿透式電電鏡(TEM)更進一步提供試片的晶體結構訊息。被分析的材料也從金屬擴展到精密陶瓷(fine ceramics),半導體,等材料,甚至部分有機材料。這時候,金相學一詞逐漸消失,材料分析一詞則逐漸崛起,最後凡是對材料或元件的顯微結構進行分析者統稱材料分析。

When electron microscopes were introduced into the field of MA, besides images of high magnification, information of elements could be extracted, so did chemical bonding state of atoms. TEM can even more take crystallography information out of nano regions. Materials of fine ceramics, semiconductor, and some organics were more and more being analyzed by electron microscopes. The terminology, metallography, was then gradually replacing by materials analysis (MA).

2020年2月20日 星期四


People may not know what materials analysis is, but should be familiar with pathological analysis. The principle and process of materials analysis and pathological analysis are quite similar. The difference is that the former deals with samples from matters, while the latter does biological tissue, especially from human bodies. Both of them use microscopes and analyzers to explore samples to find some features which may be connected to the issue under study. 

Doctors refer to results of pathological analysis to cure patients, researchers and engineers use results of materials analysis to tune the process to improve the properties of materials or yield. Pathologists have to face the risk of virus in work, MA engineers have to deal with acid-base solvent, some of them are toxic. So, nature of their works are similar too.

2020年2月17日 星期一

材料與材料分析(Materials and Materials Analysis)

Any matter with some kinds of characteristics, that can be processed alone or with other matters to be a device having some special functions, is called a material. The material we discussed here is limited to solid state materials. Generally, there are four groups of solid state materials: metals, ceramics, semiconductor, and organics (polymers).

材料分析(material analysis, MA)意指運用科學的儀器和科學的方法,解析材料或元件的顯微結構(組成元素,晶體結構,晶粒大小,晶體缺陷等等),找出製程、顯微結構、材料性質三者之間的關聯性。 

Material analysis (MA) means to use both scientific methods and scientific instruments to analyze microstructure, including consistent elements, crystal structure, grain size, crystal defects, …etc., of materials or devices, and find the relationship among process, microstructure, and properties.

1. 常用的固態無機材料。(from Google websites)